To be Updated

Evelyth Brittlestar

Rekindled Hope

  • Job: Sage

  • Age: 27

  • Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te

  • Gender: Female (She/Her)

  • Sexuality: Lesbian / Poly

  • Relationship Status: Single / Dating

  • Likes: Women, food, kindness, attention, romance, fluffy things, helping people

  • Dislikes: rude people, feeling left out, seeing others hurt

  • Languages: Eorzean [Fluent]


Early Life

The sun shone down scorchingly on the isle of Vylbrand on a day during Evelyth's 8th summer that seemed to her like any other. The lavender Miqo'te was playing at the beach to keep cool; dancing in and out of the water's edge, building sand castles, and chasing crabs.Storms coming in were nothing new to Eve, and she loved to play in the rain, but never had she seen one manifest so suddenly. Dark clouds swarmed the sky, covering any last rays of sunlight, and large droplets of water dotted the beach.Panicking, Eve tried to remain brave but was clearly terrified. She had no idea what caused the storm or how bad it really was. Tiny footprints were spaced as far as they could as she ran with all her might.A bright beam of light sliced through the miasma before moving onwards, only to repeat. Eve recognized it immediately as belonging to the lighthouse near her home and followed the lifeline towards a mother surely worried about her.

The small Miqo'te stumbled through the preternatural fog, scratches and cuts accumulating on her legs as she fell every other step through the darkened downpour. As she approached where home was, a sound louder than any she'd ever heard so far ripped through the night, forcing her to cover sensitive ears.Another flash as the lighthouse came around again, and Evelyth could see something large being carried away with a huge wave that had hit the cliff she lived on. Crimson eyes grew wide, staring incredulously at what was left of her home being swept out to sea."Mom!! Mom!!! MOOOOOM!!!" wailed the child whose life was suddenly ripped up from its foundations. There was absolutely nothing she could do, and all she knew was that she had never known you could feel so hopeless. Time crawled to a standstill, and in a few hours' worth of minutes, the only rain drops fell at her feet as she held her head in her hands and cried.

Evelyth was alone for a few scant actual hours, curled up in the remains of the only life she'd ever known; the one her mother had raised her to all on her own, outside of any tribe.A group of adventurers showed up to check on the aftermath of the primal attack and found a little girl with nothing left. A woman from Sharlayan saw something in that child, deciding to take her in.


School Life

Life in the Sharlayan capital was entirely alien to practically anything Evelyth had experienced while living alone in the countryside with her mother and would have been hard enough had it not been brought about by such a personal calamity.Eve didn't talk much for quite some time, choosing instead to retreat inwards, but little by little, she began to open up to the family that adopted her and the kids at the fine Sharlayan academy she was put in.A shy girl, Evelyth was confounded by the attention she received, not realizing the spectacle that an outsider coming in really was. Even beyond being new, she seemed to stand out, like others were drawn to her. It bothered her at first, but even still, she did her best to be friendly to her classmates, even making some friends that would last through school.

Around 12 years of age, Eve started to notice other girls, and how much more she enjoyed being around them than the boys, even as many of those girls started to notice boys as well. At 15, she received her first kiss, and her first girlfriend a year later.It started as a sweet and wholesome young romance, but as Eve fell all in for this girl a year older, her earnest intensity that started as endearing seemed to become cloyingly clingy.Evelyth showed a natural aptitude for aether manipulation and the magic arts, especially those of restorative or protective arts, came easily to her.



After graduating, Evelyth left Sharlayan for the first time since her arrival, curious to see the world that was so unknown to her. She joined the Limsa Lominsa Adventurer's Guild to help those in and around the city she'd grown up in, finding no shortage in need of her medical skills both in and out of combat.Evelyth made quite a few connections while adventuring, sporting a rather remarkable success rate, able to turn around even some especially dire situations. When the Bozjan resistance had begun to form, some of her companions were resolved to join, and the purple miqo'te decided to follow them.

Much of Evelyth's time initially was spent in her camp's infirmary, treating the wounded, but she did join the occasional skirmish when the Empire pushed the line too far. As the war raged on, the Empire beginning to crumble due to infighting, the resistance pushed the front lines further and further, and Eve found herself spending more and more time in combat.While initially confident in her abilities and those of her allies, Evelyth learned the hard way that war is nothing like adventuring. Even if most of the battles she was involved in were considered victories, she learned the hard lesson that you can't save everyone. Emotionally wounded, she pushed on, and before too long the war had ended, and Evelyth's time in Bozja was over.

Returning to civilian life took some time, especially with the loss of many of those closest to her, but Evelyth managed where she could. On a whim, she decided to visit a club in Ul'dah, and another new world opened to her. Many new experiences awaited the young miqo'te, finding love and loss alike, including the love of her life, Vivienne Amandou, who she would marry before too long.Together, the Amandous would open the relatively successful lounge and casino The Cat's Meow. It ran for about a year before the pair of wives decided it was time for new things, leaving them both rather well off monetarily. They decided to move back to Limsa to buy a house together, and these days Evelyth can be found modeling new fashion or working at a friend's venue.

Other Information

Emotional StateEve lives life with her emotions on her sleeve. In addition, she often experiences them much stronger than the average person would, be it joy, sorrow, love, etc., sometimes multiple at once depending on the situation and cause.This can make her incredibly easy to read and makes it difficult for her to conceal information or pretend she is feeling something she's not. This is not something she generally tries to do, except where it might save herself or someone else pain or embarrassment.Due to being so in tune with her own emotions, she has become quite good at understanding those in others and can unintentionally surprise someone for what she's picked up on.

Trust IssuesEvelyth often sees the best in people which can lead to her putting too much trust in others, even shortly after their meeting. Unfortunately, these traits can also lead to her being taken advantage of by less than scrupulous individuals.While she does have quite a few male friends, it takes quite a bit more time to warm up to them, let alone trust them as she does others.


Previous Work

Studium TeachingReturning to the capital regularly, Evelyth teaches classes to help the next generation; unbeknownst to her administrators, Sharlayan students are not the only ones she has shared her knowledge with, deeming it for the betterment of all.

Combat MedicA trained Sage is an invaluable addition to military formation and adventuring party both, offering her skills where needed to heal and protect, spreading the hope she has fortified with others.

Casino ProprietorWhile the idea for the Meow was entirely her wife's, Evelyth helped fund it and worked on the staff nearly every opening, whether it was as a dealer, a greeter, a promoter, or bartender or general supervisor.

Current Work

Model and FashionistaModeling in cute outfits is never something she expected to do, considering her relatively simple upbringing, but several times now has she been approached about doing just that due to her looks and keen fashion sense. She loves putting together and showing off her cute outfits, though isn't afraid of more exciting ones, either. Evelyth even won a whopping 5 million gil after taking first place in a costume contest!

DancerEvelyth currently works as a dancer and entertainer on occasion at a venue owned by a personal friend of her and her wife's. Not much information is given about it here.



  • Sharlayan - If you're from or familiar with Sharlayan, especially the capital, it's possible you've run into or know of Evelyth

  • Adventurer - Perhaps you ran into her in the past, or are looking to hire a healer from the Adventurer's Guild in Limsa?

  • Bozjan Resistance - Maybe your character served in the Bozjan Resistance, had dealings with them, or even was on the other side...?

  • Venue Nightlife - Evelyth is at times an avid venue hopper, enjoying bars, clubs, and other establishments of entertainment, and could easily have a chance encounter


  • I am in my 30's and have been RPing in FFXIV for about 3 years and in general for much longer! Just for my comfort, I ask that you be 21+ years of age if we are going to RP together, no matter the scene!

  • I am a queer woman, and while hateful or bigoted characters can sometimes work in-game, I am not really interested in exploring them in scenes, and will absolutely not tolerate any actual hatred, including but not limited to homophobia, transphobia, racism, or the like.